Andrew Speight • 29 December 2020 |
People have had to change their behaviour to adapt to the new normal after the pandemic. The need for social distancing has left many people feeling a sense of isolation.
Luckily though, the digital age is upon us. The internet and social media allow people to still interact with one another. While most face-to-face meetings are a no-go, it doesn’t mean all forms of interaction should be halted. Brands can use this time to kick-start conversations online to improve their engagement with customers.
Social media tends to gloss over the realities of life and present a rosier picture than what’s actually happening. Brands and organisations should start to question the standard type of content they see on their feed.
Start a conversation about real topics and extend support to the audience as well. Brands should attempt to connect with the audience on a human level during the pandemic. Providing free tools or services or getting behind a cause is a great way to start more meaningful engagements.
Instead of engaging the customers in meaningful conversations about themselves, brands can focus on making the customers more involved in the decision-making process. Social media is the perfect platform to ask customers for any potential input on new products or designs. It’s a great way to get feedback from customers on products as well.
One of the best ways to engage in more meaningful conversations with customers online is to post content that prompts their pain points. Lessons are a great way to allow users to start conversations on social media.
Questions related to achievements or lessons that people have learned during their careers are great ways to get insightful responses from the audience. It’ll allow brands to find several topics and circumstances that will enable them to bond with their customers.
The vital aspect of posting such questions is also keeping an eye on the responses. If the responses are appropriate, attempt to give some practical advice to aid the audience. Brands that can engage in more meaningful conversations with their audience and service their pain points tend to have the best relationships.
If the organisation is looking to host an event or attend one, sharing the event beforehand is an ideal method of engaging in a more meaningful conversation. Brands should interact with those customers that respond to the event and let them know they’re excited to see them there.
A significant way that organisations can become integrated with the audience is by promoting their local community. An ideal avenue for meaningful conversations is sharing stories about the community. Those are great for getting responses out of customers and brings the brand closer to the audience. Another way brands can seem more authentic and get better insights from their customers is by promoting other businesses in the community.
There’s a real upwards trend of DIY projects during this year. Everyone’s looking forward to getting their hands dirty and creating something themselves. Sharing a detailed DIY project is a great way to connect with an audience. Brands can also look to take advantage of the family demographic and cater to projects that kids can take part in.
After posting the details about the DIY project, brands need to make sure that they ask the audience to share responses. This will definitely create a meaningful conversation because people love sharing their accomplishments.
Overdoing it might seem tacky, but the occasional quote can be a great way of inspiring thought-provoking conversations with customers online. The quotes that come with an image are often the ones that do the best. Brands that attach time and resources to these images and can create custom posts are ones that’ll create more meaningful conversation.
Sometimes posting a quote might not be enough; a personal follow-up question, though, makes the conversation more direct. Brands with an online following have a certain degree of power, and they shouldn’t be afraid of playing their part in the narrative and leading a conversation.
Almost every industry is now digitised, and the internet allows the world to remain connected with one another. With more people spending time, online brands can definitely incorporate these tips to engage in more meaningful conversations with customers online.